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How do we integrate environmental considerations into our work?

There are many ways to integrate environmentally friendly methods and we believe that even the little things count. We offer our suggestions on how you can work environmentally conscious with your exhibition stand, showroom or office interior. The possibilities are many and we would like to help you think it into your company's profile.

Vores ESG-forpligtelse

Hos Expo Partner tager vi vores ansvar for miljø, samfund og ledelse alvorligt. Vi er stolte af at præsentere vores ESG-rapport, hvor vi detaljerer vores rejse mod bære dygtighed, samfundsansvar og stærk selskabsledelse. 

 Rapporten viser vores dedikation til at reducere miljøpåvirkningen, fremme socialt ansvar og sikre gennemsigtige og etiske forretningsmetoder. Få et indblik i, hvordan vi arbejder målrettet på at skabe en mere bæredygtig fremtid for vores kunder, partnere og verden omkring os


The Circular Way of Thinking

Our environmental responsibility is central to our awareness and work process, yet we continue to strive to deliver customized and unique exhibition stands that match your wishes and needs. We work to present solutions and approaches that are scalable and modular, allowing materials and solutions to be reused regardless of the size of the exhibition stand. Our focus is on doing the job right from the start with high quality to minimize waste and unnecessary work. This ensures an improved end result and is an important part of our commitment to protecting the environment.

Reusable Aluminum Plates

We build our exhibition stands with aluminum plates because we believe it represents a responsible choice. The aluminum plates have a thickness of 2.5 mm, with a central core of 2 mm made from recycled plastic sourced from household waste and beach clean-ups, respecting the environment. Our modular system maintains high quality, and our suppliers strictly follow international standards and laws, ensuring that we only offer materials with a low environmental impact. We mount a Velcro strip on the back of the aluminum plate to secure it to the aluminum frame. Since the aluminum plate is recyclable, it is a sensible choice, as recycling aluminum requires 95% less energy. When the plate is no longer usable, we ensure it is recycled, and both the aluminum and the plastic core are recycled.

Brushed metal plate

PVC-Free Materials

As part of our green initiative, we have a clear objective to choose PVC-free products whenever possible. PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is a widely used type of plastic that can have a negative impact on the environment and health. This type of plastic is often produced using harmful chemicals, and when broken down or burned, it can release dangerous substances into our environment. Through our careful selection of PVC-free alternatives, we strive to meet our customers' expectations of both efficiency and responsibility.

100% Recycled Plastic

Our rugs are a testament to our dedication to environmental awareness and recycling. These rugs are made from 100% recycled plastic, derived from used plastic bottles. By converting plastic waste into carpets, we minimize our environmental footprint and contribute to reducing plastic pollution. But our efforts do not stop there. We have a partnership with our supplier that offers to take the carpets back at the end of their useful life. This ensures that the used carpets are recycled and included as an important resource in the production of new carpets. Through this closed-loop system, we keep valuable materials in use and minimize the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or the oceans.


Environmentally Certified Printers

We prioritize efficiency in our production to better serve our customers promptly. Equally important is ensuring that our prints meet stringent environmental standards, making them suitable for use in all environments, including institutions and healthcare facilities. Our commitment extends to using environmentally tested printers that uphold high standards, minimizing chemical emissions that could harm both health and the global climate. This ensures that every print we produce leaves only an environmentally friendly impression, aligning with our dedication to customer satisfaction and environmental stewardship.

Recycled Fabric Banners

Our banners are crafted with a strong commitment to sustainability, offering a greener alternative to traditional materials by focusing on recycling. Utilizing recycled yarn, we significantly reduce the need for new material extraction and production. This yarn is derived from recycled textile waste and remnants from the textile industry, actively contributing to a more circular economy by minimizing waste. Not only are our banners environmentally gentle, but they also maintain exceptional quality and durability. Engineered to withstand diverse weather conditions, they are designed for repeated reuse. When a banner reaches the end of its life cycle, it can be recycled into new products, further reducing waste and conserving resources. This sustainable approach underscores our dedication to both environmental stewardship and product longevity.


Decorating with Moss

Moss serves as an environmentally conscious material for decoration and interior design, offering a serene and green ambiance. Harvesting moss is done mindfully, with a focus on sustainability to ensure optimal regeneration of natural habitats. Beyond its visual appeal, moss possesses acoustic properties, effectively absorbing sound and diminishing noise levels within spaces. Opting for moss as a decorative element allows for the creation of distinctive and eco-friendly interior solutions, supporting the conservation of nature and its resources. Moss is a reusable material that promotes biodiversity preservation, making it an ideal choice for environmentally aware design practices.

Wood with Respect for Nature

We provide a responsible choice in wood products, recognizing the critical need to preserve forests and protect the environment while fulfilling our customers' requirements. Our wood selections are meticulously sourced from certified and sustainable origins. This ensures that harvesting practices respect forest ecosystems and local communities, while also safeguarding long-term forest conservation. Additionally, we offer furniture storage solutions that enable repeated use and maintenance of quality and functionality. This approach not only conserves resources but also minimizes waste. Choose our solutions to support a circular economy and environmental sustainability.
